Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Termite Reports

It is very common for properties to be sold in the Bay Area with termite reports. (Their official name is Wood Destroying Pests and Organisms Inspection Reports.)

It is not unusual for the buyer to purchase the property "As Is" with regard to these reports. This is true even if they negotiate some cash from the sellers. Typically, the estimates for the work connected to these reports is on the high side. Buyers frequently feel they can get a better bid from a contractor or want to do other work in conjunction with eradicating pests, dry rot etc.
Here's the issue:
When a licensed "pest control company" does the inspection and makes a bid for the work, they usually accept the fact that an infestation may extend beyond what is visible and go into walls or flooring. Their bid will cover that work.
When general contractors give a lower bid, they frequently do so for the work that is visible. This is NOT an "apples to apples" comparison. It is not unusual when the new home owners call the pest control company back to re-inspect (It is only these specially licensed contractors who can do these inspections.) that the buyers become aware of their mistake.

While what I describe is a "cautionary tale," and many homeowners either have their contractors include language that doesn't leave the buyers "high and dry," or just don't have this issue, I bring it up because there have been enough of these stories that have cost the unwary tens of thousands of dollars, that I thought you should be aware.

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